The Vindija Group has prepared its first Annual Sustainability Report, offering a comprehensive overview of sustainable practices and operations of our Group. It was prepared for the period 1 January - 31 December 2023 and includes the company Prehrambena industrija Vindija d.d. as the parent company of the Group and all its members.
The report was drafted according to the guidelines of the GRI reporting standard and represents one of the key activities in establishing an internal and external system for monitoring progress in sustainable aspects of the Group's operations. In response to growing public and stakeholder interest in the sustainable aspects of the Group's operations, this report highlights our achievements to date, along with our vision and strategy for sustainability moving forward. It also serves as the starting point for meeting upcoming reporting requirements under the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD).
We view our inaugural Annual Sustainability Report as a foundational communication channel to inform all interested stakeholders, enabling us to document our progress in the years ahead and support the shift toward a more sustainable, secure future.
The complete Annual Sustainability Report for 2023 can be viewed at the following link.