Privacy Policy

Data protection policy pursuant to the General Data Protection Regulation in the business of company members of the Vindija Group

This policy applies to the protection of personal data of subjects - natural persons who do business with or in any way contact members of the Vindija Group, which is implemented in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (hereinafter: Regulation).

This policy describes how information, including personal data, is collected and used and how to exercise the rights set out in the Regulation.

Vindija Group member companies are data controllers in relation to data subjects whose personal data are processed in any way, with contact details as follows:

VINDIJA d.d. Varaždin, Međimurska 6, 42000 Varaždin, OIB: 44138062462

KOKA d.d. Varaždin, Biškupečka ulica 58, 42000 Varaždin, OIB: 21031321242

VINDIJA TRGOVINA d.o.o. Varaždin, Međimurska 6, 42000 Varaždin, OIB: 80096790804 

For the listed members of the Vindija Group, the Data Protection Officer is the Data Protection Board with contact details: Varaždin, Međimurska 6, 42000 Varaždin, email:, phone: +385 42 399 999, 399 602, 399 605

VINDON d.o.o. Slavonski Brod, Lučka ulica 4, 35000 Slavonski Brod, OIB: 89230529680, whose Data Protection Officer is the Data Protection Board with contact details:

-address: Slavonski Brod, Lučka ulica 4, 35000 SLAVONSKI BROD


-phone: +385 35 217 606 

ViR 1898 d.d. Rijeka, Školjić 16, 51000 Rijeka, OIB: 84873325307, whose Data Protection Officer is the Data Protection Board with contact details:

-address: Rijeka, Školjić 16, 51000 RIJEKA


-phone: +385 51 614 984

All data collected as part of the business of the members of the Vindija Group are collected only to the extent necessary for the execution of the contract or fulfilment of a legal obligation of the controller, and for the purpose for which they are collected (e.g. drawing up a contract, business cooperation, sales and purchase agreements etc.).

Since, for the purpose of identification in certain cases, a copy of the personal identity cards of data subjects is required, in order to comply with the Regulation, data subjects are invited to give their consent to this type of data processing in writing, which they have the right to withdraw at any time.

A video surveillance system has been installed in certain premises of the companies of the Vindija Group in order to reduce workers' exposure to the risk of robbery, burglary, violence, theft and similar events at work or in connection with work, and to protect the company's assets. In accordance with the legal regulations, notices about video surveillance are posted at the facilities where video surveillance recording is carried out. Video recordings may record the registration plate of a vehicle entering the premises of the company covered by video surveillance.

Cookies are set on the website and the rules for their use are published. No marketing activities are carried out that would require the collection of personal data, other than those strictly necessary to access the website (IP address).

When data subjects submit their data to one of the contacts listed on the website, it is considered that they have already given their consent to the use of the provided data. The member companies, as data controllers, shall use the data provided exclusively for the purpose for which these were provided and shall apply technical and organisational protection measures to prevent unauthorised access and/or loss or misuse of the data. The measures implemented in this regard are the procedures carried out according to the rules of information security in the business of the members of the Vindija Group, restricted access to offices and premises and signed declarations of confidentiality of all persons processing personal data.

In certain cases, the information provided to members of the Vindija Group by data subjects, which includes personal data, is necessary for the resolution of legal disputes, for investigations and compliance, to enforce agreements or for the purpose of complying with the legal requirements of law enforcement authorities where required by law.

When using the personal data of the data subject for legitimate purposes of the controller, and for the purpose of data protection of the data subject, the rights and interests of the data subject shall have priority over the rights and interests of the controller.

Some personal data of the data subject may be shared within the members of the Vindija Group, since the business is organised within a group of entrepreneurs and in this case the transfer of data within the group of entrepreneurs is allowed, for the purpose for which the data were collected.

Members of the Vindija Group, in their capacity as data controllers, shall disclose the personal data of the data subject to law enforcement and other governmental authorities if this is required by law or if it is strictly necessary for the prevention, detection or prosecution of criminal offences and fraud.

With regard to the rights of data subjects under the Regulation, data subjects may exercise the following rights:

- request a copy of the personal data stored about them;

- notify changes in their personal data or ask the controller to rectify their stored personal data;

- in certain cases, to request the erasure or restriction of the processing of personal data held about them or to make a complaint about the way in which their data is used;

-in certain situations, request the controller to send the personal data they have provided to a third party.

If the data subjects have questions or complaints regarding the processing of their personal data or wish to exercise any of the rights specified in this notice, they can contact the data controller at one of the contacts listed on the website and they will receive a response within the period prescribed by the General Regulation.

This notice, as well as all its possible amendments, will be published on the website


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